To the artistic,
At 140 feet in length, the 6,400 brick Whole Wall Mural is the longest sculpted brick mural in the US. It is located on the east wall of the Cloud County Museum Annex and Concordia Travel Information Center/Cloud County Tourism office. The incredible piece of public art depicts the history of Cloud County. The Whole Wall mural is a project of the Cloud County Historical society.
About the Whole Wall Project
Cloud Ceramics donated 6,400 bricks for the Cloud County Museum Whole Wall Mural. The three-dimensional brick mural covers the exterior wall of the Museum annex located at 6th & U.S. 81 in downtown Concordia. The 140′ brick mural features the history of Cloud County including the Cloud Ceramics beehive kilns. In the spring of 2008, the carving was completed by artists Catharine Magel, St. Louis, and Mara Smith, Seattle. Cloud County Community College provided space for the artists to sculpt. Cloud Ceramics not only donated the Dakota clay brick, but also transported the brick to and from the college and flash-fired the 6,400 bricks.
Suggested Donations $5.00
Who was the Artist?
Catharine Magel is the commissioned artist for The Whole Wall Project. She is an internationally known artist working in ceramics, mosaic, and painting. Summers, she spends painting sets at the St.Louis Municipal Opera Amphitheater. Completion of her Whole Wall Mural project marks the installation of the largest single brick mural in the U.S.
Who was the Sculptor?
Mara Smith, lead sculptor, has been considered the pioneer of American Brick Sculpture by the Brick Inst.of America since her first commission on the Anatole Hotel, Dallas,Texas, 1977. Mara is also a founding member of the National Association of Women in Masonry. Her studio is located at the Mutual Material’s Newcastle Brick Mfg. Plant on Seattle’s east side.

Visit the Cloud County Historical Society Museum Annex
The Whole Wall Mural is located on the eastern wall of the Museum Annex on the corner of 6th & U.S. 81 in downtown Concordia.
Come visit 9-5 Monday through Friday and 10-2 Saturday.
130 E 6th, Concordia, KS 66901